Monday, 26 August 2019

History of garlic

Henry Munson Lyman
Garlic is easy to grow and can be grown year-round in mild
climates. While sexual propagation of garlic is possible,
nearly all of the garlic in cultivation is propagated asexually , by
planting individual cloves in the ground. In colder climates,
cloves are planted in the autumn, about six weeks before the
soil freezes, and harvested in late spring or early summer. The
cloves must be planted deep enough to prevent freeze/thaw,
which causes mold or white rot. [18]
Garlic plants can be grown closely together, leaving enough
space for the bulbs to mature, and are easily grown in
containers of sufficient depth. Garlic does well in loose, dry,
well-drained soils in sunny locations, and is hardy throughout
USDA climate zones 4–9. When selecting garlic for planting, it
is important to pick large bulbs from which to separate cloves.
Large cloves, along with proper spacing in the planting bed,
will also increase bulb size. Garlic plants prefer to grow in a
soil with a high organic material content, but are capable of
growing in a wide range of soil conditions and pH levels. [12]
There are different varieties or subspecies of garlic, most
notably hardneck garlic and softneck garlic. The latitude
where the garlic is grown affects the choice of type, as garlic
can be day-length sensitive. Hardneck garlic is generally
grown in cooler climates and produces relatively large cloves,
whereas softneck garlic is generally grown closer to the
equator and produces small, tightly-packed cloves.
Garlic scapes are removed to focus all the garlic's energy into
bulb growth. The scapes can be eaten raw or cooked.